"Vipassana is a practical technique which enables one to lead a more positive, balanced and happy life."

- SN Goenka

Donation and loan information

Courses are run solely on a donation basis. There are no charges for the courses, not even to cover the cost of food and accommodation.

All expenses are met by donations. Neither the Teacher nor the assistant teachers receive remuneration; they and those who organise the courses volunteer their time.

People have different means, but even a small donation reflects your desire to help someone else to learn Dhamma. Donations are the only source of funding for Vipassana courses in this tradition. There is no wealthy foundation or individual sponsoring the centre. Neither the teachers nor the trustees receive any payment for their service. Thus, the spread of Dhamma is carried out with purity of purpose, free from any commercialism.

Donations to the VMC Building Fund for contributions to school buildings has deductible gift recipient status. Any gift or donation over $2 is tax deductible. Donations to the General Fund for contributions to general expenses are NOT tax deductible.

We welcome and invite donations from old students as well as from members of the general public.

How to donate

Types of donations

  • one-off payment
  • regular monthly donations
  • loans; interest-free or low-interest
  • bequests.

There are a number of ways to donate to the Vipassana Meditation Centre (Dhamma Bhūmi):

  • Direct deposits - you can make a one-off direct deposit or set up regular deposits into the VMC bank accounts.

    Bank details
    General Fund account
    Account name: Vipassana Meditation Centre Ltd General Fund
    BSB 082 124 | Account number: 24289 7420

    Building Fund account
    Account name: Vipassana Meditation Centre Ltd Building Fund
    BSB 082 124 | Account number: 24289 6954

    Please advise the treasurer so that a receipt(s) can be arranged.

  • Credit card - for one-off donations, go to Dhamma Bhumi's secure portal.

    The system will email you a receipt on completion of your donation.

  • Paypal - for one-off or regular monthly donations (credit cards and PayPal accounts). NOTE that fees charge by PayPal are higher than those charged for transactions via the secure portal.
    For one-off or regular monthly donations (credit cards and PayPal accounts).
    NOTE that fees charge by PayPal are higher than those charged for transactions via the secure portal.

  • Pledges - regular monthly donations are very helpful in covering ongoing expenses. If you would like to donate monthly, please fill out a Dana pledge form [PDF 152KB], and email it to the treasurer. Alternatively you can set up a recurring direct credit to the NAB bank account details listed above.

    For monthly donations, the receipts are held as a batch to be sent to you at the end of the financial year.

  • Loans and bequests - please contact the treasurer to discuss details.

Treasurer contact details

Vipassana Meditation Centre Treasurer
PO Box 103, Blackheath NSW 2785, Australia
Tel. [61] (2) 4787 3600
Email: [email protected]

May all beings benefit from Dhamma