How to applyfor a course
“The consequences of today are determined by the actions of the past. To change your future, alter your decisions today.”
- SN Goenka
How to apply for a course
To apply for a course, please finish reading the steps on this page and then view the Course Schedule page. When you apply for a course you will first see the Introduction to the Technique and Code of Discipline. Please read it carefully as you will be required to follow it during your course.
Once you have finished reading about the technique and the Code of Discipline, fully and completely fill out all the sections of the application form and then submit. An application is required to register for all courses. You will receive an email confirming your application has been received. This is not a notice of acceptance to the course.
In about two weeks you will receive either an acceptance to the course or a notice that you have been placed on a waiting list because the course is already full. All correspondence will be through email so please provide an email address.
You may need to check your spam to ensure that you are receiving emails from the centre.
Please apply to sit only one ten day course at one centre at a time. Any additional applications will not be processed.